
Chasing Away Childhood Cancer

Cure Fest

Curefest LOGOUniting the childhood cancer community and to start a national movement. CureFest represents a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together to speak with One Voice against childhood cancer.

One of the reasons there has never been a childhood cancer movement is that there are thousands of tiny childhood cancer foundations and groups that have the same goals but are not working together. Chase After a Cure is partnering with several like-minded organizations and advocates to change this reality. CureFest this year expects that well over 100 organizations will participate.

CureFest will be held Sunday September 21 in Washington, DC from 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. This year’s event will feature a National Walk from the White House to the Capitol. There will be activities, entertainment and a speaking program.

The unique aspect of the walk is that there will be a team fundraising page for CAAC supporters to either create a page under Team Chase supporting caac or for you to make a donation to the team page supporting caac. This will be a great unifying opportunity for so many of us in the childhood cancer community. We hope you will join our team and help us Chase Away Childhood Cancer at CureFest 2014!